Continuing Professional Development or CPD, is a common tool used across many professions and trades as a means of continually educating and upskilling industry professionals and workers.
CPD ensures that NZIQS meambers stay current with industry trends, innovation, business operations, information transfer and critical industry issue in a rapidly changing world.
NZIQS CPD Requirements Information
What CPD Activities can I claim?
Formal and Informal CPD
Recording your CPD Online
CPD Audit
Transition for Registered QS
Links to Formal CPD Opportunities
- All MNZIQS, Associate and Fellow members are required to complete CPD annually
- Life Members who are Registered QS also need to complete CPD
- 15 hours of CPD is required between 1 October – 30 September
- At least 10 of the 15 hours required must be Formal CPD activities
- 10% of eligible members will be selected by random in October and asked to submit their CPD records for review
The CPD activities you claim should be relevant to your role and experience.
The CPD does not have to be specifically QS related, e.g., if your role is in Project Management, or you wish to develop your skills in that area, CPD relating to Project Management learning is acceptable.
The CPD does not have to be delivered only by NZIQS. You can attend CPD events run by other organisations or companies
Examples of Formal CPD (minimum of 10 hours)
Formal CPD are activities that have structured learning objectives and outcomes, e.g.:
- NZIQS or other industry bodies’ organised CPD events (webinars or online events, conferences, branch events, site visits)
- In-house company formal learning and development programme
- Computer training, e.g. excel, Project Management, iTWOCostX, BIM courses
- Short courses, e.g. Engineer to the Contract, NZS3910, Procurement, Cost Planning
- Certification courses, e.g. Site Safe passport, Health & safety
- Business seminars for Directors/Managers, e.g., IT, Finance, HR, Negotiation skills, Risk Management, Business strategy
- Formal educational qualifications, e.g., postgraduate diploma, Masters
See Links to Formal CPD Opportunities
Examples of Informal CPD
Informal CPD is any self-managed learning that is relevant to your role. e.g.:
- Industry related reading, e.g. newsletters or online material
- Research for a new specialised job, e.g. CLT, 3D printing
- Learning on the job for a new task not previously experienced, e.g. first bank drawdown, expert witness, Life Cycle Costing
- Professional participation in industry bodies, e.g. attending NZIQS AGM, involvement in local committees
- Presenting at a seminar or guest lecture
- Preparation for teaching part-time (where teaching is not your main occupation)
- Research and preparation of a published article, handbook or industry document
Recording your CPD Online
If you attend an NZIQS event or watch an NZIQS webinar live, the CPD hours are automatically added to your CPD record. So, make sure you sign the attendance list at an event.
Note: if you watch an NZIQS webinar recording, you will need to add this manually to your records as only live attendance is automatically recorded.
See this YouTube video for instructions on how to record all other CPD on your online record,
or follow these instructions:
To access your online CPD Record
- Log onto the NZIQS website
- Click on your name top right
- Click “My Membership” to go to the Members Self-Service Portal page
- Click “My CPD” to view and add to your CPD records
To record CPD
- Click “Add a Claim”
- Enter details of CPD - selecting as Formal or Informal CPD
- You may upload any evidence, e.g., course certificate
- Click Save
Please do not click the Submit CPD for Review button unless you are applying for Registered Qs or selected in the annual random audit and are submitting the required 15 hours of CPD..
In early October, we will check the CPD records of a random selection of 10% of eligible members.
If you are selected in the random audit, you will be asked to submit your CPD Record for review by the Quantity Surveyors Registration Board.
Members are encouraged to take personal responsibility for managing and completing their CPD requirements, whether audited or not.
Non-compliance for failure to submit CPD record
- 1st year
- Member cautioned
- Automatically included in audit the following year
- Loss of Registered QS status (if relevant)
- 2nd year
- Further caution and automatically audited the following year
- List of members who failed to submit for a 2nd instance published in the newsletter
- 3rd year
- Referred to the NZIQS Board for disciplinary action, e.g., downgrade membership, suspension or expulsion
Transition for Registered QS
Registered QS with CPD accreditation valid until 2022 or 2023 will not be included in the random audit until after their current accreditation expires.
Requests for exemptions or deferment of CPD compliance, e.g., for parental leave or illness, will be considered on their merits. Send Exemption requests to the NZIQS Membership stating your reasons why you cannot complete your CPD record.
Members on parental leave or unemployed are encouraged to continue undertaking CPD to keep their knowledge up to date.
Links to Formal CPD Opportunities
NZIQS Events Calendar
NZIQS Webinar Recordings
NZIOB Events Calendar
NZ Green Building Council
RICS Training & Events
Engineering NZ
Society of Construction Law
Canterbury Safety Charter