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Otago: Skyline Stage 4 Site Visit
Skyline, Brecon Street, QUEENSTOWN, 9300, NEW ZEALAND
The 4th out of 5 stages of the long running Skyline Queenstown redevelopment is now reaching completion of the structural stage. Positioned at 1000m above sea level this Circa $210m development has been an ongoing collaborative project between Naylor Love and Skyline Enterprises.
Skyline Stage 4 Site Visit
The 4th out of 5 stages of the long running Skyline Queenstown redevelopment is now reaching completion of the structural stage. Positioned at 1000m above sea level this Circa $210m development has been an ongoing collaborative project between Naylor Love and Skyline Enterprises.
Please join us for a site visit on Thursday the 13th of March followed by some drinks and nibbles at Stratosfare at the top of the gondola.
We will meet at the bottom terminal at
4:30pm, and please bring the required PPE specified below.
PPE Required:
Boots, High Vis, Safety Glasses, Hardhat.
For any queries related to the site visit, please call John Seely on 021 869 893. Otherwise, please reach out to