Members of the NZIQS are governed by the rules of conduct set out in a Code of Conduct, and by the Institute’s Constitution and By-laws:
NZIQS Code of Conduct
NZIQS Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure
NZIQS Constitution
NZIQS Membership By-Laws
NZIQS Code of Conduct test
All members are encouraged to take the NZIQS Code of Conduct test to ensure they understand and can apply the principles, values and behaviour expected from them.
Passing the Code of Conduct test is a requirement for those members who aspire for MNZIQS membership before an interview is arranged.
NZIQS Code of Conduct test instructions
Our Standards
The NZIQS Code of Conduct states the principles, values and behaviour expected of all members of NZIQS and sets out principles of:
- Professional Conduct
- Competence and Client Care
- Objectivity and Independence
- Confidential Information and
- Professional Courtesy
Members who do not follow the code may be disciplined according to the Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure. Unprofessional conduct not specifically covered by the Code of Conduct may likewise result in discipline of a member, depending on the particular circumstances.
Concerns about a QS
We are committed to ensuring members meet the highest standards of professionalism expected of quantity surveyors. If you have serious concerns about the competence, conduct or behaviour of one of our members, we may commence a formal investigation and disciplinary process.
This process is objective and fair and looks at whether the quantity surveyor has breached their professional or ethical obligations. These obligations are set out in the NZIQS Code of Conduct.
Membership of NZIQS is voluntary and not all quantity surveyors practising in New Zealand are members of NZIQS. You can check if the quantity surveyor you have concerns about is a member by searching for them in the Member Directory
Our Jurisdiction
We investigate breaches of the Code of Conduct, Constitution and the Membership By-Laws
We can help you resolve concerns about:
- the quality of a quantity surveyor's work
- the quantity surveyor’s conduct and behaviour
We cannot help you resolve:
- commercial or contractual disputes
- fee disputes where there is no ethical breach
- employment disputes
- concerns about a firm or organisation – we can only look at individuals
- concerns about a person who is not a member of NZIQS
We cannot help you achieve compensation or reparation. You should seek independent legal advice about your civil remedies.
How to raise a concern
If you’ve got a concern about a quantity surveyor, we advise that you let them know and try to resolve it directly with them first by:
- writing to the quantity surveyor, being clear about your concerns and asking for a response. Tell the quantity surveyor what outcome you want
- requesting a meeting with the quantity surveyor to talk through your concerns. You could take a support person with you, and you could request that an independent person facilitate the meeting
- raising your concerns with the quantity surveyor’s manager
If you have not been able to resolve your concerns directly with the quantity surveyor, aren’t satisfied with their response or it is a serious matter that should be brought to our attention, you can lodge a formal complaint with NZIQS
You’ll need to provide us with your perspective on what happened, what rules of the Code of Conduct you believe the member has breached and all relevant information such as: documentation (contracts and reports), correspondence (email and text messages) or statements from other people involved.
Submit your complaint using the NZIQS Complaints Form
We will send a copy of the Complaint Form to the quantity surveyor and ask for their response. We may need to get information from other people involved too.
Complaints Process
A complaint is initially evaluated by the NZIQS Board to determine if there is jurisdiction to investigate.
The NZIQS Board may refer the complaint to a Professional Conduct Committee for investigation and referral to a Disciplinary Board if they believe the member has breached the Code of Conduct.
The Disciplinary Board will consider the complaint and make a decision on whether there are grounds for disciplining the quantity surveyor and, if so, what the penalties should be.
The member may appeal this decision and/or penalties to the Appeal Board on certain grounds.
A summary of these stages of the complaints process is below. You can read more detailed information about this in the NZIQS Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure.